What is Cacao?

….And what is a Cacao Ceremony?

It’s quite the hype at the moment and with good reason. It is pretty flippin spectacular.

Ok so yes this is a kind of chocolate…but before all the nasties are added or taken away. It’s the stripped purest form. It’s not sweet - in fact it’s bit bitter but don’t be put off as it really packs a punch in other ways. Cacao is a 100% pure raw vegan plant. And is thought of as a ‘Plant medicine’. The Tree Theobroma cacao, translates to "food of the Gods." The ancient Mayans and Aztecs used cacao as medicine for centuries.

This is not to be mistaken for the cocoa with an ‘O’ you get in powder form that is chemically processed destroying the anti oxidants and flavonoids. And your typical bar of chocolate which sadly has been processed to within an inch of it’s life since the early 19th century to get rid of the bitterness is unfortunately missing the point of this wondrous fruit. Some might argue a Galaxy bar is still pretty magical. But I digress.

A 250g bar like this could make you around 12-15 cups if you are having it at home as a special moment of your own

What are the benefits

So here’s the T.

40 times more antioxidants that Blueberries

Highest plant based source of iron (13.9 mg per 100g)

More calcium that Cow’s milk (160mg per 100g vs only 125mg per 100ml of milk).

499mg per 100g of Magnesium again highest plant based source

With Cacao being full of antioxidants and flavonoids it can reduce inflammation and improve blood flow so in turn lowering blood pressure. And the antioxidants in it are also thought to improve insulin resistance so lowering your chance of diabetes. No wonder the aztec drank so much of it!!

The (v. small) cons

It does contain Caffeine. Not as much as coffee but if you avoid caffeine like myself it can power you up so don’t have it after 4pm if you get affected by caffeine. However the benefits of it far outweigh that in my opinion. I’ve started having a cup on a weekend with my husband and it feels amazing sitting in the garden savouring something really special. I even went out on what would normally be a drinking evening and had a large cup of this and no alcohol. Big win!!

My new moment of calm

What is a ceremony

A ceremony is where a group come together to experience and appreciate the benefits of it. It will have been prepared with love and intention as it is believed that the energy put into making it will pass on through the person drinking it. You would expect 40-50g of raw cacao per cup mixed with water or milk.(for home use around 20g for personal daily use) Watch those plant milks especially the oat milk as many shop bought ones can be full of nasty oils. So undoing all the good work you have been doing. Half an hour after drinking it sit back and get ready to feel the love!!

You can add some lovely natural spices of your choice. I would suggest hold off on the sweetness embrace the bitterness for a change. But I try to be a bit of a sugar no go area. So the choice is yours.

I’ve experienced Amazonik Cacao at 4 of the 6 ceremonies I’ve been to (as well as the mini retreats I’ve hosted. And it’s by far the best I’ve tasted) and Marjory its founder will take you through an immersive experience by drinking cacao, enjoying its taste, learning its healing benefits and how to make it yourself followed by a nurturing meditation. Amazonik is a wellness brand with the purpose of reconnecting people with the pleasure of living by offering experiences with Cacao.

Marjory adds: Cacao is an energizer, antioxidant and mood enhancer, it produces serotonin and endorphins in our brain that bring mental clarity, increases productivity, creativity, pleasure and a sense of joy and connection with our inner wisdom an intuition.

Theobromine is an alkaloid chemical primarily found in the cocoa plant. Small quantities are used by the brain to make serotonin, the neurotransmitter that can produce feelings of happiness. The combination of releasing serotonin and endorphins from the body and the mental clarity and consciousness from the mind, creates a powerful connection with ourselves and our intuition, opening our hearts to find empowerment, energy, pleasure and healing.

She is offering my readers a 5% discount. So If you’re in the UK. Give it a try. I promise you won’t be disappointed. It really is something special that you need to try if you haven’t Marjory’s website is here with more info and option to purchase and the discount code is THEINTERIORME. I’ve just noticed I’m in the photo of one of her ceremonies :0)

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