Reflexology for back issues

So many people get back issues at some stage in their life. I had this confirmed on instagram. As one of my reels on Instagram to help people with back issues with reflexology went viral and received nearly 2m views! I learned at that moment (well quite a long drawn out moment as going viral is actually a long process) how big a problem back aches of all varieties this is. Here’s that reflexology instagram reel

But how can reflexology help with back problems?

Well we need to be honest here. If you have severe back problems we are not going to be able to straighten scoliosis or kyphosis or obviously fix a broken back with foot reflexology massage. What we can help with is the stress that surrounds it. Which relaxes us and ease the muscles. This can stop your gait from being more out of line causing more pressure on different joints.

Here’s a lovely story for you

In the summer we went to a festival in Croatia. We’d already been to one of the festivals run by the same organisers last year in Malta so met up with some of the people we’d met last year. This summer after dancing with this group I noticed one of the lads keep stopping & holding his back and clearly in a lot of pain. So I asked what was wrong. He told me that 5 years ago he’d come off his motor bike and wrapped himself around a smart car. So immediately on the dance floor I asked his permission & started to work the pressure point in his hand for his spine & the Pituitary gland for a natural painkiller. He face was an absolute picture. He was staring at me in disbelief. Then all his friends stopped too. Some of them already followed me on instagram from our meeting last year so knew I’m a reflexologist. And were calling me a white witch. I’m not sure about that in my sequin shorts and gold cape. But anyway! He isn’t on instagram so had no idea what was going on. To be honest I was a bit surprised at his reaction myself so I asked what he was feeling and he said as I moved up the thumb he was feeling the pain lift a bit at a time up the spine. And was then back dancing again. It did happen again the next night so I did it again. Which of course helped for a short time again. Remember these aren’t full relaxation sessions they are less than 5 minutes standing on a noisy dancefloor, working on a reflexology pressure point on the thumb. But these nerve endings go straight to the point that is out of balance.

What happened since

He now makes a 1 hour 45 minute journey each way to see me on a weekly basis. So now after 4 x 1 hour sessions he can now lift his little boy and went back to Malta & danced all weekend for the first time since the accident! (My husband & I sadly didn’t go back to the festival this time.) His sleep has so far gone from 3-4 hours to 5-6 in the 4 weeks, as he’s in less pain and his body is much more relaxed. He has 4 more dates booked in so far…

Here’s his testimonial

About 10 years ago I was in a motorbike accident where I broke my hand in several places and injured my back, due to my lifestyle i never really got round to having my back looked at until it got to the point where i was in pain more often than not, i tried a number of different options such as seeing a physio, going to a chiropractor and so on and nothing really worked, it may of alleviated the pain for a short period and then i was back to square one after a week or so.

I met Tina at a festival and had never heard of reflexology, she could clearly see I was in pain as always after a day of dancing, She asked me if she could work on my hand, and explained what it was that she done and all about reflexology, i was sceptical to say the least as i couldn't understand how pressing on my hand/thumb could help with the pain I suffer in my back. As she pressed up my thumb I could feel as if someone was massaging the area in my back, i even had to double check and make sure there wasn't someone behind me and the whole thing was a wind up as it instantly relieved the pain and after a couple of minutes working on my hand seemed to of done the same job as an hour at the chiropractor, 

Tina advised that once we was back that i should book in and have full proper sessions as it will really get to the bottom of the issues. Ive now gone on to have 5 full sessions and it’s like a new lease of life, i used to be in pain when doing anything physical for to long or even after picking up my son for 5 or so minutes, although the drive is close to 2 hours its worth every minute, 

One thing i find amazing is the next day after a nights sleep i wake up and feel like i've run a marathon, its as if i've worked every muscle in my body and its now in recovery, i also couldn't believe how quick it works as after my first full session i went to another festival where usually in the first day i start to feel it tightening up and causing me problems and i went the full 4 days without even thinking about my back, 

I would recommend Tina to absolutely anyone, thank you for everything!!

Tina Nisson @ The Interior Me Reflexology


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