How to get a better nights sleep.

One question I ask every single client is how many hours sleep they get. If it’s unbroken sleep, disturbed, do they feel well rested etc..

What could be causing sleep deprivation

A good thing to check if there’s an external factor that may be disturbing that sleep. Like getting up to go to the loo. This is why our treatment is know as holistic. We look at the body as a whole. Because this may mean the person doesn’t have a sleep issue as such but perhaps more of a bladder issue! But let’s dig into the sleep…

How much sleep is right

Adults should be getting between 7-9 hours per night to keep us healthy & well. If we drop below that we may find we are succeptaple to catching colds & other illnesses as your immune system will be compromised.

There’s a number of things you can do to support your sleep.

We evolved to be awake in daylight and sleep at night.. right? So when we designed all these things with pretty lights we have been Inadvertently messing with our sleep (or our circadian rhythm) for years. Blue light appears to be the biggest offender. However if you look at studies on hospitals with their 24 hour strip lights and the impacts it has hospital staff & patients there’s another huge problem.

So here’s 10 tips for a better sleep..

  1. Stop looking at any blue light device at least an hour before bed. This works wonders for me. I go on do not disturb from 9pm. (In the winter in the yin phase I’m already in bed by 9!) This also means if you wake up in the middle of the night don’t be tempted to even glance at your phone. You are signalling to your body it’s daytime and to wake up. If you do have that habit. Charge the phones outside of the bedroom. It will reduce your urge to start scrolling at some ungodly hour if it’s not right next to your bed.

  2. There are some food & drink that contain tryptophan - an amino acid required to make protein which is the pre cursor to seratonin which converts to Melatonin. This is the body clock hormone that sets your sleep wake cycle. These are :-

    Turkey, Walnuts, milk, eggs, honey, If you are getting less sleep than you wish, chances are you may be lacking in Melatonin. So introduce some of these foods and you may improve your sleep cycle. Go easy on the honey though as it is a sugar & make sure it’s a good quality one.

  3. Supplementing with Magnesium. So many of us are low in this mineral and boy what a game changer it is. Make sure the one you choose contains Glycinate and added zinc helps its absorption! While it’s good to take supplements. It always best to try and get it from foods first! So here’s some foods that includes Magnesium. Seeds (pumpkin, chia, flax etc.), fatty fish like Salmon, figs, almonds leafy greens like kale & spinach.

  4. Walnuts are a great snack as they contain ALA omega 3 fatty acid which is converted to DHA in body. DHA increases production of serotonin the sleep enhancing brain chemical.

  5. Turn off your main wifi at the wall. Woah! Don’t question it just try it. But remember to turn it back on a gain in the morning or like me will wonder why you can’t get your laptop to load.. Hoping it will help with the memory in good time! ;0)

  6. Aviod caffeine for at least 6 hours before bed. So 2pm is your last cuppa if you want to be asleep by 10pm. Don’t forget caffeine can be in some fizzy drinks & chocolate so check the ingredients carefully. It also builds through the day & can stay in your system for 12 hours.

  7. Increase your sunlight exposure first thing in the morning. This should make you more alert in the day and have a better sleep at night.

  8. Start dimming the lights an hour or two before bed and be conscious to wind your routine & stimulus down as this will calm your body down ready for bed.

  9. Wear a sleep mask with eye pockets to block out any light. The pineal gland produces melatonin & plays a part in regulating the circadian rhythm and darkness stimulates the gland to produce it.

  10. BOOK A COURSE OF REFLEXOLOGY! This will rest set your symptom pattern.


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