How can we remove toxins & build strength from the body after hospital procedures?

My husband had a cycle collision in a two way cycle lane a month ago yesterday and smashed his collarbone. As it happens the ambulance that was reversing into his bike lane - meaning he had to cycle across into the oncoming bike lane - was the same ambulance to take him to hospital. Some would call that luck.

Two weeks later he went in for an op (yes 2 weeks, the NHS is rhheely struggling) to pin it all back together. This was harder than they first thought and half way through had to call on another surgeon to help. So instead of being a one hour standard procedure it took 3 hours. And more anaesthetic.

We are a household that rarely even has paracetamol in the cupboard. So we wanted get him back to himself as swiftly as possible. I’m a geek in terms of natural healing and love to research a different approach for any aliments for my clients & now also my husband.

Some of the extra issues from having an accident

1) Trauma from breaking a bone or similar

2) Having 3 hours of anaesthetic

3) Being giving antibiotics for risk of infection to the operation site

4) Co-codamol for pain relief.

I’m part of an awesome group who I reached out to with my main concerns above and they gave me some valuable insight. I have then pulled that apart & added some must have diet additions for all the healing.

What are the knock on effects of the above

Apart from the adrenaline pumping & shock that you go into from the actual accident here’s the main problems the above list can cause

-General anaesthetic. Anaesthesia is activated with fluoride & fluoride depletes magnesium.

So up your magnesium before & after the op. This is also great for sleep & that’s crucial for recovery.

Iodine detoxifies fluoride (Seaweed is high in Iodine!!)

Unfortunately he had a 3 hour op instead of the 1 hour standard. So more drugs to try and rid the body from.

-A drip. This can be nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide can deplete B12

B12 also helps repair nerve damage. So doubly important.

-Antibiotics. They deplete copper and can mess with the gut microbiome. Upsetting your good bacteria.

Here’s the foods that will help with the negative effects of the above.

If you look over the whole list below you will see an abundance of awesome ingredients. There’s no space for junk food! Supplements are great but I’d always recommend getting whatever nutrients you can from food first and supplement after. Sometimes you just know when you are not able to get enough in your diet.

You will notice how suddenly your diet becomes so clean and healthy and every natural ingredient is powerful for healing.

Magnesium- This one is huge. It helps all enzymes and 75% of adults don’t get enough!

Seeds. Pumpkin, sunflower, flax, chia

Nuts- Cashews, almonds, brazil Also anti inflammatory so double win


Legumes- lentils, beans, peas & chickpeas

Vitamin B12. All B vitamins helps with the central nervous system too, so help nerve regeneration. Exactly what we need from the accident.

Beef liver & organ meats (sorry vegetarians but it’s essential & the best source here )





Copper This also helps to form collagen for the tissue recovery.


Lambs liver, Beef liver


Sunflower Seeds, Sesame seeds beans and legumes as above. Double benefits


Food that help the good gut bacteria

Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Kefir, Live Yoghurt, Miso soup, Kombucha

He is also happily on an anti inflammatory diet so NO alcohol, limiting sugar and refined carbs and processed foods. Instead opting for fatty fish like salmon, sardines & Mackerel a great source of Omega 3 which reduces inflammation & packing in Spinach, Kale, Broccoli, & spices like cinnamon & ginger as well.

Other areas that will help with full recovery of a bone fracture

For protein & collagen - the glue that holds everything together

Bone broth, Fish , eggs, meat , nuts & seeds

Bone repair -Vitamin C - to stimulate Collagen

Citrus fruit, kiwi’s, berries, potatoes,

Zinc - boosts collagen

Oysters, beef, lamb, spinach, dark chocolate, mushrooms.

What other actions can you add to help recovery

Sleep It’s so key for cell regeneration and basically every part of recovery. Wear an eye mask in hospital if you are unfortunate to have to stay the night See my pervious post about hospital lights.

Reflexology for pain reduction

Red light therapy repair on a cellular level.

Epsom salt / Magnesium foot soak allowing the minerals to go through the skin.

Happy healing

Tina The Interior Me xx


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