Do you get bloating? Industrial Seed oils could be your problem

Seed oils also known as Industrial seed oils or PUFA’s or vegetable oils were used as a lubricant for machinery before the 1900’s. They contain oxidised and trans fats that are inflammatory & not good for us. One of the questions on my lifestyle questionnaire is - do you get bloating, constipation or Diarrhoea? And so many of us do! But these oils can also contribute to brain fog, Low moods and mood swings.

PUFA or polyunsaturated fats have a molecular structure that makes them very unstable in the human body, where they generate a a lot of free radicals—chaotic reactions that damage cells. They’re also full of additives. Because the fatty acids in industrial seed oils are so unstable, synthetic antioxidants are added in an attempt to prevent oxidation and rancidity. So really not great for us.

Which are they?

Here’s the list of oils that are highly processed & recommended to avoid.

Vegetable oil / Sunflower oil



Soy or soybean oil,



Rapeseed / Grapeseed,

Rice bran.

Sadly because they are cheap the food industry are putting them in everything.

Check the labels - you will surprised where it’s hidden

Do you use the new buzz of bought in Alternative milks? Third ingredient on the list I’m afraid! Olives (from M&S as well!) aren’t in olive oil they are in sunflower oil / veg oil. Go figure. Mayonnaise is 78% rapeseed oil. There is s company that make mayonnaise without any seed oils called Hunter & gatherer foods!

Packet plant based foods get a bad press because nutritional food is replaced with these oils to pad them out. So something that was born out of health has turned really unhealthy.

Don’t believe me. Try it for yourself

I only talk about things I have tried for myself as there is so so much contradiction online and I haven’t done a degree in nutrition (yet!) But when my bloating stopped in it’s tracks once I removed all these oils from my kitchen that’s all the proof I needed. Unfortunately though as soon as you go out for dinner and have something fried it will be fried in Veg oil and the bloat comes back in around an hour or two. That’s how I know what’s causing it. AND this was all down to a client who first told me about this just over a year ago. Now I just can’t unsee it.

The good news

Because you suddenly start reading the labels you can’t help but strip out buying processed foods and realise cooking from scratch is always the answer. We automatically become healthier!

What to replace them with

Coconut oil - can withstand high temperature cooking

Ghee - Higher smoke point than it’s relative butter


Beef tallow - High smoke point

Olive oil - great for dressings and lower temperature cooking

Avocado oil

There’s really plenty here that we can cook with at home and to avoid buying the other oils. But you will have to check pre prepared and processed food items and believe me even with a 2 chef household it’s really hard. But your life will be better for it.

Watch this video for the full picture

the 100 billion dollar ingredient making your food toxic

Tina The Interior Me xx


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