Can reflexology help with weight loss?

A question I get asked a lot.

The answer ultimately is yes reflexology can help with weight loss

But it’s not a straightforward answer so let me explain how reflexology works again for those at the back!

Foot reflexology is an ancient healing technique that calms the body through specific foot massage on the nerve ending in our feet.

Within our central nervous system we have the sympathetic nervous system & the parasympathetic nervous system.

When our stress hormone goes up many other hormones unfortunately come down. Like sex hormones, equalling low libido of course we don’t want to have sex when we are super stressed. We also have low energy & low metabolism.

What happens when we have low energy…

When we have low energy from stress or lack of sleep we reach for the sugary or carbohydrate heavy foods for that surge of energy to wake us up in the morning or keep us going through the day. Which of course puts the weight on. So if we have reflexology, we rest and repair & rest & digest. We know it t relaxes us, takes away the stress and then the vicious circle is broken and we can sleep, recharge and guess what don’t need to reach for the cookie jar. We feel more balanced energised naturally and won’t need to snack during the day. I’ve had clients say that they aren’t “craving the muffins at 4pm” & because they have been less tired they can get up and added bonus - can make a proper meal. Then the weight will start to come down. Hurrah!!!

Eating fast

Have you noticed how fast you eat when you are stressed? We are absent minded and not paying attention to anything. Again after a session of reflexology the stress levels going down means we can be a bit more present and slow down this can stop us from eating as much and again hey presto look what happens we fill up faster. A great tip for being more present when we are stressed & eating fast is to take 4 or 5 deep breaths just before we eat a meal to bring up back into the present. Give it a try and let me know how it helps.

But first and foremost try reflexology for stress which will help your weight loss. I’m passionate about diet & lifestyle so will help you every step if the way. Just drop me a message.

Tina xx


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