what is reflexology?

It is a safe, powerful, natural therapy that suits all ages, leaving you feeling truly relaxed with added health benefits.

Reflexology is an alternative medicine and complementary therapy which works by stimulating the body’s own natural healing process, inducing a state of deep relaxation through a specific type of massage.

It is believed that all the organs & glands in the body are mirrored in a miniature version on the feet, hands, face and ears. By applying pressure to these areas we stimulate blood and lymphatic flow, breaking down any congestion or blockages a person may have, alleviating symptoms of insomnia, anxiety, poor digestion and inflammation.

As we have over 7,200 never endings in the feet, foot reflexology is probably the most popular form - as well as the most effective.
Gravity pulls many of our stressors to our extremities so foot reflexology is a very popular choice with many people seeing & feeling immediate and lasting improvements.

Not convinced? Still think it’s bit of a flash in the pan. Reflexology has been around for around 5000 years and was drawn on Ankhmahor the Physician’s tomb in around 2330. So, it has certainly stood the test of time!

why reflexology?

75% of visits to the doctor are related to stress, so by working on simply relaxing a client through stimulating reflex points we can harness a healing power for the body, mind & spirit.

Reflexology is a holistic treatment, meaning we look at the ‘whole’ person, including their lifestyle & medical history

This ensures we look into the root causes for long lasting effects, rather than superficially treating the symptoms. Helping guide clients to make personal discoveries on their journey to a healthier life gives me enormous satisfaction.

While benefits can be felt after just one session, for those with specific ailments that they wish to address, a tailored course is recommended.

Results are cumulative and vary from person to person and ailment to ailment - some symptom patterns can changes can change with 4 - 5 sessions and other will take longer. We can work together to find a course that suits your needs.

Imagine a course of antibiotics but a natural version without side effects.