ADHD & the symptoms

Well isn’t ADHD a talked about subject at the moment? With very split opinions on it.

We have a strong argument that the new fast paced world messes with our focus & attention span. And who can argue with that? Since the invention of the internet & latterly the iPhone we’ve been constantly hammering our brains with an unprecedented amount of information that they were never designed for.

Then there’s the opposing argument that the more we understand this neuro diverse disorder (and share it on said internet) the more people recognise themselves as suffering from it. Creating an increase in diagnoses by huge percentages.

I personally have been studying this subject for about a year now. I read about a few of the less well-known traits after having a lightbulb moment for myself. And not to mention two females with it pointing out that I definitely sound like I have it.

I tried to get a doctors appointment but when they said it’s a 4 year wait, I gave up. Especially as I would not be wanting to take any medication. I took 2 online tests instead. Which confirmed it for me. Just the questions gave me some massive A-ha moments which has helped me navigate my world & brain enormously.

I also watched a TV programme whistleblowing a big racket in making money out of online virtual ADHD tests and then making money out of selling the prescriptions. So again this is quite a tangled subject.

How it looks to others (& who you definitely need to ignore if you think you have it BTW)

Hyperactivity & can’t concentrate!

The way I see it, if people can open their emails without a ton of emotions coming through freak out and think they are a failure, (neuro typical) they won’t have done any research on this subject (no reason to) and will likely still think ADHD’s only symptom is hyperactivity, as it’s the one most talked about. Those people also won’t have hyper focused for months on end on the subject and have no business in your business. So if you think you have it then do your research and use your super power! It will really help you to understand you are not mad.

The breakthrough

When I head this everything became clear. “You always feel like you are behind!” “You feel like there is so much to do every day but you get paralysis, procrastination & overwhelm”. Those points have literally helped everything, just knowing there’s a reason for my not being able to stop at night and switch off.

Here are some of the questions that I got from the online tests I carried out.

Except they are the totally agree or completely disagree type questioning.

How easy is it to sit in traffic?

How easy is it to wait in a supermarket queue?

Do you frequently day dream?

Are you Frequently fidgeting? (It’s actually known as stimming.)

How easy is it to make decisions?

Do you have any problems staying focused on tasks?

Do you interrupt & finish peoples sentences?

Do you find it really hard to concentrate & listen in ‘one to one’ conversations?

Of course it was a fully agree with all of the above. The stimming (coming from stimulation) has been particularly enlightening for me.

A day in the life of…

So this is how it works. Never thinking I’m going to catch up with everything I need to do. Having perfectionism & indecision is also a trait so then you procrastinate and feel like a failure because you constantly not feeling like you’ve achieved in your day. This is linked to Rejection sensitive Dysphoria (the perception that you have disappointed others). So then you get overwhelm & eventually the burnout hits and you can’t face anyone or show up in a way you would like to.

Starting nice new things is great it’s like a dopamine hit. The problem is finishing them.. And here we go again. Pressure is the only way to work leaving things to the last minute. Does any of this sound familiar?

Here’s a nice easy a list form

Just to make it easy for you, because really we don’t have time to read things now do we! Each time I’ve read a new trait I’ve listed it here. All of which I’ve had /have and now fully understand and am so relieved.

  • Perfectionism to avoid criticism

  • Overwhelm

  • Indecision

  • Procrastination

  • Our own biggest critic & very hard on ourselves

  • Problem being patient or waiting your turn queues or driving

  • Chattery

  • Poor organising structure

  • Bad time keeper

  • Push everything to last minute ending with lateness

  • Noise sensory overload like Loud chewing

  • Daily tasks seem impossibly huge

  • Feel like lives are out of control or in chaos

  • Create paper clutter

  • ADHD is associated with generalised hyper mobility

  • Motivated by urgency, competition, novelty & interest (Dopamine hit)

  • Rejection sensitivity dysphoria (overwhelming)

  • Burnout

  • Always show happy on the outside

  • Short term memory issues

  • Task avoidance procrastination

  • Rejection sensitive Dysphoria

  • trouble managing emotions or impulses.

  • problems with starting, organizing, planning, or completing tasks.

  • trouble listening or paying attention.

  • inability to multitask, balance tasks or switch tasks.

As always a course of reflexology can help. I just wish I was able to have it as frequently as I’d like. I’d recommend a course of 8 weekly sessions to set in the symptom pattern & hopefully see some changes going forward. There are also some supplements that can be tried that can help according the this great guy Perry Mandanis . MD. Like L-Theanine & Omega 3.

Here’s some research on L-Theanine for ADHD If you don’t want to go down the pharmacuticle route like myself. This is supposed to be a great calming supplement. I just don’t take it regularly enough.

Here’s a link for a good brand .

I’ve actually been trying L-tyrosine which increases mental energy, motivation and dopamine. I’m now 3 weeks in and I do feel better. My mind feels less busy and overloaded, less like a failure. Which makes life a lot easier. I feel more even and balanced. So maybe just maybe - although it doesn’t help with the stimming.

Also there is a lot of talk about Lion’s mane and when I take it consistently it does seem to calm the symptoms. Here’s a good brand that I use & recommend with a discount.

I’m not a doc so remember to check with your healthcare professional before taking any supplements I try. This is my own experience only.

Tina @ The Interior Me Reflexology


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